How to use the Graphic Boost, Graphic Novel, and the Kuwahara filters in Gimp 2.8.14 (G'MIC)
Gimp Tutorials
Hi everyone, in this Gimp tutorial I will be showing you how to use 3 different type of filters in Gimp and G'MIC. The three filters that we will be using are, Graphic Boost, Graphic Novel, and the Kuwahara filters. The graphic boost, and graphic novel filters are a little complex. But, not to hard to deal with. The Kuwahara filters is a very easy filter to work with. There are a bunch of settings to mess with inside of the graphic boost, and the graphic novel filters . Stuff like unsharp masks, and LN amplitude, they all seem complex, but once you wrap your head around the meaning, they are actually pretty easy to mess with inside of gimp and g'mic. I try to go into a more meaningful explanation of what the functions are in the graphic boost, and graphic novel filters. I hope they come across right in the explanation. The meanings behind some of the functions are pretty advanced. I felt it would be better to explain them in good detail. The Kuwahara filter on the other hand, is really easy to mess with. There isn't but two different settings to mess with in that g'mic filter. I hope that you guy's enjoy this tutorial.
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