
This is an animated banner that I did for a buddy of mine. It is a simple animations but it is still awesome.

This is a great example of adding multiple animations in one. The effect is great. This is another banner I made for someone who contracted me to do it.

This banner I was contracted to do, shows a fade in and out effect. It's simple yet pops. That was what I was trying to go for.

This banner is showing multiple animations in one banner. Two of the animations atre running side by side.

Another simple but great banner. The colors in this banner is what I wanted to show off. If you get them right it makes your banner just all that more great and noticable.

This banner has multiple animations running side by side also. I thought it was a pretty cool effect. Simple text animation can go a long ways

This is to show off what you can do with animated 3D text and then make it pop by adding colors and butterflys :)

This banner is to show off some transitioning. It starts out with a cool opening and then goes right into the text effect.

This banner is just to show off colors and adding brushes and images into you banner to make it pop