How to use the Fractalize and Felt pen filters in Gimp 2.8.14 (G'MIC)
Gimp Tutorials
Hi everyone, in this tutorial we will be going over the fractalize and felt pen filters in gimp. Both of these filter are pretty cool. The felt pen filter is super awesome it is one of my favorite G'MIC plugins inside of gimp. Fractalize is a cool filter in gimp also, i just haven't really found to many use cases for the filter. It isn't a very hard filter to understand, there is only one setting for the whole filter and that is the detail setting. Basically, it makes fractals a part of your image. You have to be really careful with the filter cause it will ruin your image. So, make sure you always duplicate the layer that you are going to fractalize first. I came up with a use case for it in the image that we are going to create. I do apologize that I can't release the image due to the fact I don't remember where I got it from. This technique will work on any image though, so, no worries there. The felt pen filter in gimp and gmic is pretty cool. It takes any image and it makes them look like you drew them with a felt pen. That means you can make some pretty cool cartoonish effects with the felt pen filter. I show a couple of examples in the video. One with a real life image, and the other with a painted image. The effect that you get is awesome. I hope that you guys enjoy this tutorial.
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