How to use the array in Gimp 2.8.10 (G'MIC)
Hi everyone, this is another tutorial in G'MIC using Gimp 2.8.10. I know I called these tutorials shorts. I am sorry that this tutorial got a little long. I showed what all the array filters in G'MIC does. I also show you a little of what I use the array filter for in Blender 2.70. That is why the tutorial got a little long. There is like 5 different array filters in G'MIC. I will try to keep the next tutorial a short. I am moving down the list on G'MIC. I recently installed the newest version of G'MIC in my Gimp. So, if it looks different from before that is why. The array filter in G'MIC is a tiling filter. You can use this filter for many different things. I normally use it to help me make tiling textures for my 3D work in Blender. I don't really use it for anything else. You can if you would like. There are many, many different things that you can use these filters for in your workflow in Gimp 2.8.10. I hope that this tutorial helps you guys out.